Tuesday, April 27, 2010

insights from marky

I have learned that when I say or think things like, "i am a horrible person, no one should be my friend" and "if someone is friends with me then they must not be that good of a person" i am devaluing my friends. when i can't love myself for who i am and i think no one should love me, i am basically saying that God is wrong because He loves me. Who am i to second guess God... if God loves me I must be extremely special.

Friday, April 23, 2010


moderation is good

changing me so other people are happier is ok, changing me so other people love me is not

i really do love myself

i really do believe God has a plan for my life. i believe He created me with purpose, not just willy nilly.

i finally not only understand intellectually, but now feel in my heart that my life is not mine to take, my life belong's to Christ :)

these are big steps in my life