Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Last day of official teaching at institute: we orally presented poetry in front of the class

Today's class was much better. However, we didn't really learn anything too strenuous today. I might make a better camp counselor than a teacher. Or maybe a better mother. I can't wait to be a mother. I can wait to give birth. Anyway, back to my students :). I feel like I let Alexis down today by not holding him to high enough standards. Should I hold him after class for a minute and ask him to re-present his poem to me? He struggles with words, but I know he can do this very well. It will just take confidence boost and practice. I want him to understand that he is capable and that being behind everyone right now is okay, and it doesn't have to stay that way. Miss J. Roberts seems to think that in order to be an attractive female that she can't use her brain and have deep thoughts. I don't know what to do about that except to address the issue straight on, and bluntly confront her. I think she would respond okay to that, but what if she is really just not that smart? NO, that isn't the case. She just doesn't have any practice thinking on a deeper level. Kaedeen is super smart, but has the worst freakin attitude in the world. If this was back in the day, I would have smacked him on the back of the head a couple of times already this summer, just to communicate, "Shape up boy, or this is how life is gonna feel." How do I get through to him. Pretty sure he thinks I hate him. Sad. Unfortunately, if he would have been absent today I probably would have been happy. Awful mindset Lara, just awful. I find myself being quiet frusterated with Renee. She tries so hard and is well behaved and does her homework and asks questions and..., BUT,...She is on an IEP and consistently surprises me by failing to grasp concepts. I have to hold the class back to better explain things to her. I need to be able to come up with differentiated lesson plans so that I can help both the higher students who need enrichment, but also the low students who need extra help or different ways to grasp the concept. Joseph was excited about his poem titled "World of Warcraft." He smiled. That was worth the 20 minutes I spent finding it and the 10 minutes I spent debating on whether or not it was rigorous enough for him. Sonya LOVED her poem about smiling and hiding behind a mask. In her own words, Sonya is "complicated." How adorable is that <3 ? I believe her. Miss J. Rubio is Sonya's cousin. She tries hard and it shows in her grades, but she is so hard on herself. She has a beautiful heart. Aaron has started participating and has really matured over the last five weeks. I enjoy having him in class, alot actually.

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