Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Meet Your Teacher

why be a teacher?
Picking just one reason why I love teaching is a nearly impossible task. I have always know that I was not made for a job where I sit stagnant behind a desk or isolated in a cubicle. I get energy from working with people and for people. I like seeing how my everyday work affects the lives of my students. I like knowing that what I do opens doors in the lives of young people to be whoever they dream to be. I also love math--it is a predictable and understandable topic. Learning math is like learning a second language; after a while it just comes naturally. I like being able to pass on my passion for math to others, and teaching is a great way to connect those little light-bulbs of understanding to passion for the subject.

why in south dakota?
South Dakota is my home state and I want to stay here, and make a difference in the area where I intend to spend the rest of my life. The people and prairie and hills here are very dear to my heart. To see a people who are so firmly rooted in the same place where I place my roots struggling with everyday life is a disheartening and motivating observation for me. I choose to stay in South Dakota because it is my home and its people are my heart, and I see the need and feel the desire to begin a transformation of what we are okay with letting any people suffer through.

what do i hope to accomplish through being a teacher?
As a teacher, I hope to give individual students the courage to contradict the negative expectations that others have of them and that they have for themselves. As a teacher, I hope to inspire in students a hope that leads to a motivation, a motivation to overcome failures and push though tough times and hard work. As a teacher, I want to help my students develop mindsets will set them up for success at life.

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