Friday, December 30, 2011

I am starting to annoy myself.

Having read through this and having done some intro and retrospection, I realize that I am in a place emotionally similar to where I was in high school. A humbling realization. I am stirred up inside and have a cloud in my heart. I came to the conclusion at one point in my life that thinking “too much” is what leads to depression. I still feel like thinking a lot leads me to have this “cloud” in my heart, but maybe it is because I am going about it in the wrong way. I want to evaluate things honestly and objectively, not with rainbows and not with charcoal. Perhaps I am still looking for the reasonable set of lenses. I am tired of overly cheerful and illogical BS, but I also have no tolerance for downers who look at life as a hopeless series of events. I see light, and I see darkness. I realize that when you turn on a light the darkness is vanquished…and you don’t get darkness back by adding something, you get darkness back by removing something, and that something is light. Light overcomes the darkness; truth overcomes lies. I want to love someone, truly love someone. A friend, a family member, a man, anyone but myself. I want to put someone before me. I suppose that I one need that Christ should fill in my life. (and SEE, this is just another way that Christianity fulfills basic human needs…it is a struggle of the chicken or the egg. Did Christianity get invented to meet these needs, or do these needs exist bc we were created to intrinsically need to turn to our Creator)

When I have situations in my life that I need to address, I like to talk to people to try to understand what the best course of action is. However, how can I know what the best course of action is without understanding the nature of the situation first? I feel that a lot of my experience, in discussing things like this with Christians, I get fix-it-quick solutions that rely heavily on God intervening in a mighty way. When I talk with my non-Christian friends I feel like they seek to understand before solve. This could be because most of my Christian friends are baby Christians…My Dad wants me to seek understanding of myself and of others and of my interactions with others. He explicitly told me on Monday that he doesn’t want God to swoop in and fix the symptoms, he wants the root issue to be understood and addressed. “Pray to understand the root.” Is that kinda like King Solomon praying for wisdom?? Kinda/

On Christmas Eve night, my family and I watched “It’s A Wonderful Life.” It got me thinking…In a hundred and sixty years from now (or two lifetimes from now), if I had never been born, would the world look any different? I don’t want to dedicate my life to some cause or try to do these big good things in some vain attempt to matter.  It would be nice to matter, to create some kind of positive cycle that lasted and affected the lives of others long after I am gone. But, do I need that hope in order to be content that life is worth living? Can I accept that perhaps I am completely insignificant for any period longer than my life? I think it is obvious that everyone creates ripples in their own time with the people they interact with and etc, but that could only be a moment and not something that is lasting or creates movement. It would be nice to be able to see that the world of a handful of people has more love in it because I was around at one point in the spectrum of time. Lol. Purpose, significance. Why do they matter!? They keep me wanting to do the right thing. What are other reasons to do the right thing? Purely because they are the right thing, because the right thing keeps civilization civilized. Why do I care about whether or not things are civilized? Because I want to know what to expect--I rely on and enjoy the structure and safety that civilization provides.

My dear friend Mark has told me about these 5 levels of secrets that he read in a book somewhere, and apparently agrees with, since he remembers them so well and uses them to help me understand people.

5 Levels of Secrets
5. Secrets you can’t admit to a complete stranger.
4. Secrets you can’t admit to an average friend.
3. Secrets you can’t admit to close family and friends.
2. Secrets you can’t admit to your spouse.
1. Secrets you can’t admit to yourself (stuff you deny or a painful truth you haven’t accepted yet).

I shared these with another friend of mine, mostly because I was curious how he would respond to them, but there were other motivations mixed in there as well. He said that the reason “we can’t admit” these secrets is because we don’t want to ruin the other person’s “fairytale”  … because ruining their fairytale also ruins our own fairytale. In essence, the “fairytale” world we try to live in is full of lies and deceit THAT WE CHOSE AND ACCEPT so that we can be comfortable. I also remember this friend telling me that he believes in “comforting the disturbed and disturbing the comforted.” In some ways I agree with this, but seriously, what if this pretend world is (ironically) the only thing holding a person from breaking? I suppose that person is disturbed in their own way. Truth is the only way to have real peace, because you don’t have to worry about the story … It is what it is.
THAT is comforting, because it is out of my hands (and so not my faul???). That is ironic, too.

What are my level one secrets? I KNOW that I want to be understood but not managed, not controlled. Are these the roots? Those things make me feel incompetent and belittled and insufficient. I suppose if I was really confident in my own abilities I would not respond so violently to people trying to control me, because I would know that they could not and I would have no need to overreact. From my words in a text, “I need to stop worrying about resisting people who try to manage me and just live.” I was told that “just living” is a key term in my life. What does this MEAN???

I want to live, not just live.


None of those seem like level one secrets. Maybe I don’t have any? Maybe you only have level one secrets at certain points in your life, then you get strong and face them and even share them and then they become level whatever secrets. Honestly, I feel like there is not a whole lot of stuff I wouldn’t share with a complete stranger. Who cares, you will likely not see them again, and maybe they can shed a little light. Although, if I will continue to get to know them, maybe I wouldn’t want to tell them my secrets because who knows who they will share with and then those other people’s images of me (false images/fairytales) will be ruined and then my image of myself (false image/fairytale) would be ruined because I could no longer pretend it was true if no one else was playing along. Here I am talking about broken fairytales again. How would the world be different if we were all completely honest and upfront and transparent? Would the world function at all? Would it be better? 

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