When your body is somewhere and your heart is somewhere else it causes lots of inner turmoil and discontent. Wherever you are that is where you are! Be present! Don't let your thoughts wander to some dream that doesn't currently exist. Often that dream isn't as wonderful as you imagine it to be anyway. The quality of your life is dependent on your perspective and willingness to accept things the way they are. Be thankful for the people you have around you to interact with...Cherish them and try to understand them, because that is all you have. Being present also lets you be more fulfilled by your daily/life work, rather than dread it! Remember that your daily work is your life work, so do it well and with a full heart, serving others...from co-teachers to admin to students to staff. Spread the love, as Miss Taylor Escott would say :).
I am soaking that philosohpy up as i read, it so points to the needs i am having. There really is no way around it, we only have what we have in the present!!!! may as well make it the best best present it can be.