Tuesday, October 11, 2011

What's shaping me:

Today I am feel confused about a lot of things. Maybe I am just in a tizzy from getting my flu shot, maybe I am confused by these new feelings I have for a man I should not have feelings for. Maybe I am worried that I am not effectively teaching the 50 students I am responsible for. Maybe I am concerned that I am not getting my TFA obligations fulfilled. Maybe I just need to chill. Maybe I just need to step it up. Maybe I need to turn it over. Maybe I need to step it up. Maybe I need to do both. So many variables, so few constants. My life is an equation continuously changing in order to stay balanced.

I had a good talk with the nurses while I was getting my flu shot.
Mindi was amazingly sweet to me Sunday night.
I have to stay after school today to help students with math and some might show up.
I have health insurance.
I have health.
I have love not contingent upon human emotions.
I have two prep periods today because my calc student didn't show.
I got two emails from professors saying they wanted to know how I was doing and that others did too.
Good things.

1 comment:

  1. You inspire me to think positively! I have been having such a stressful week with school and work, and trying to get everything done so that I can focus on family this weekend. Your post here reminded me to look for those little things in life, rather than overlook them like I have been. I think my day is about to turn around. I love you and can't wait to see you this weekend!
