Wednesday, December 28, 2011

ben, my CA this summer at institute, sent me and email and asked me how first semester went. Here is my response. (Yes, ben does not capitalize his name.)

First semester...It was a roller coaster! There were so many emotional highs and lows from feeling loved and then disdained by my students. It is funny how high schoolers are so passionate and so easily swayed by the tiniest of actions. I have come to the realization that my students can absolutely tell when I am being real with them and when I'm not; I forgot how in-tune to that kind of stuff I was when I was in high school, before the games of the world became so ingrained in my behavior and perceptions. I definitely like who my students are shaping me to be. Professionally I have also had many ups and downs, from days when everything goes so much better than planned to days that I thought were going to rock but turned out to be almost the breaking point of my sanity. I was sad to leave for break because I knew I wouldn't get to see my kids again for two weeks. Now I am a little nervous about all of the unknowns that will happen in their lives over break, and how we will all come back together and start working again as a unit. Teaching is a whole new level of leadership...I feel like I have to be able to move/transition with the thoughts of each of my students...beautiful but nearly impossible...!!! Anyway, I love my students and I like teaching and I am excited/curious/terrified (at different times, and sometimes all at the same time) about what the future holds :).

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